Studium Generale
On Demand
About Studium Generale
SG Tip: Talk Talk Talk by Dutch Design Foundation
Curious about the future of our planet, living environment, and digital world through the eyes of leading designers? Then don’t miss the Talk Talk Talk sessions by the Dutch Design Foundation. This Ma...
Your Idea, Our Stage – And € 1000 to Make It Happen
Do you have a brilliant idea for an unforgettable Studium Generale (SG) event? Something original, inspiring, thought-provoking, or just totally bizarre and fun? And are you ready to take charge and m...
Both Studium Generale lectures canceled this week
Due to the cyber-attack on TU/e last weekend, which has resulted in no classes being held this week, Studium Generale has decided to cancel the two following lectures:CANCELED: Sustainable Future...
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos closed in January
We have some thrilling updates to share with you about Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos! This January, our beloved cinema is taking a short intermission as we undergo a technical upgrade to enhance your m...
Thanks for your curiosity and engagement
As the year draws to a close, we at Studium Generale reflect on a period filled with meaningful encounters, new insights, and memorable moments. In a year marked by turbulent social and geopolitical d...
Sign up for Students Got Talent!
Everyone has a talent, and we're not talking about solving complex equations or fundraising for a study trip. No, we mean that special talent you can showcase for everyone to enjoy! This is your chanc...
Get Ready for Quiz Night XL: TU/e Edition!
Mark your calendars, TU/e students, employees and alumni! On December 12, 2024, the Auditorium building on TU/e Campus will transform into a lively hub of friendly competition, brainy fun, and communi...
Win 2 free tickets (Dutch program)
Are you a TU/e student, PhD, or EngD? Then we have great news! We are giving away two free tickets (regular price €15) for the lecture De Mens is een Plofkip (Humans Are Factory-Farmed Chickens) by jo...
“Eyes Open” on Liberation 040 Festival
On September 18, 2024, it will be exactly 80 years since Eindhoven was liberated by the Allied forces. To commemorate this historic occasion, the Liberation 040 Festival will return to the 18 Septembe...
Order your tickets for the Q1 programs now!
Studium Generale is on summer break until September 3rd. But after the summer vacation, we'll be back with amazing lectures, films, theater performances, concerts, workshops, and the renowned World Pr...
Secure your spot in our USE/ITEC programs before the academic year ends
As we approach the end of the 2023-2024 academic year, we want to remind bachelor students nearing graduation to verify their completion of the 5 SG&USE/ITEC registrations required for graduation....
It's That Time of Year Again: Festival Season is Here!
Festival season is upon us, and Studium Generale is ready to join the fun! Get ready for unforgettable performances with top acts. Groove to the beats of Brass Rave Unit at Conduct Festival, swing alo...
SG Tip: Klassiek op de Campus '24
Get ready for a delightful day of classical music as the fourth edition of Klassiek op de Campus unfolds on June 2! Hosted on the campus of TU/e, this festival will feature student orchestras and choi...
Visit mesmerizing Luna Festival 2024
On Saturday, April 6th, the 6th edition of the Luna Festival will take place; the annual festival of all cultural student associations of V.S.E. Scala. The theme for this year is "Once Upon a Luna Fes...
YOUR Studium Generale favorites of 2023
2023 is coming to an end and we would like to thank you, our visitors and those interested in our Studium Generale programs, for the feedback you gave us after visiting our programs. We learn a lot fr...
Join Dutch comedian Raoul Heertje's 'consulting hour' today! (in Dutch)
Raoul Heertje, Dutch stand-up comedian, writer and program maker, is on campus today to prepare for his stand-up comedy show (in Dutch) at Studium Generale in January. He is curious and wants to dive ...
Win 2 free tickets to the film "Jurassic Park"
Beware, the Studium Generalis Rex has entered the TU/e campus.Have you spotted one yet? There are several Studium Generalis Rexes hidden around campus, waiting to be found by you!If you find one...
TU/e's Artist in Residence 2023: Expedition Stefano Keizers
For the third time since 2019, TU/e will be temporarily "inhabited" by an Artist in Residence (AiR). Following in the footsteps of musician Spinvis (2019) and writer Arnon Grunberg (2021), it is now t...
USE label becomes USE/ITEC label
As of the 2023-2024 academic year, the so-called USE label will change to the USE/ITEC label. For Bachelor students who are not in their first year, the obligation to follow 5 programs of Studium Gene...
SG TIP: Break the mold, Footloose Showcase 2023
What is the Showcase? The short answer is an amazing dance show containing choreographies of all kinds of different dance styles! The longer answer is a show that can be seen as the 'end show' of the ...
Visit the free Luna Festival on April 1st
On Saturday, April 1, the 5th edition of the Luna Festival will take place, the annual festival of all the student cultural associations of V.S.E. Scala. This year's theme is "Years of Culture" ...
The earth shakes, people are suffering, let us help
Barely recovered from Covid and still in the midst of the Ukraine war and its aftermath, the world was shaken by a devastating earthquake, one of the most horrific natural disasters in recent decades....
Watch SG year overview in a nutshell
That's it, 2022 is (almost) a wrap. When we look back on the past year, we especially would like to thank you and all the visitors of our programs; that you were there at the moments when it was about...
Your feedback is worth its weight in gold
You have not yet received the product you’ve ordered online and you are already prompted to fill in a survey. Rrretty recognizable, right? Nowadays, everyone is asked for their opinion all the time. S...
Updated terms and conditions
We have updated our terms and conditions, in line with the TU/e privacy policy and thus applicable Dutch legislation. We would like to highlight three important points.
In Memoriam | Corine Bolwerk
Passionate about culture, her colleagues and the students. This is a fitting description of our dear colleague Corine Bolwerk. Corine passed away on August 17 after about two years of illness, the con...
Column | We are all fallible
Since February 24, bombs and bullets have been flying wildly in Europe's backyard and a barbaric war has been taking place. 'That this is still possible in the 21st century…' is wha...
The New Continent: free tickets for a must see play for everyone at TU/e
TU/e Employees and students are invited to come to see and enjoy ‘The New Continent’, as part of the Lustrum activities (TU/e65). Due to Covid-19, it was impossible to feature this new and...
New Q4 program: on campus only
Studium Generale ushers in the final quarter of this academic year with a rich array of programs and topics from all corners of science, culture, and society!
Broadening your view in times of war
Studium Generale is there to broaden your view. Also without a broad view, it is clear that a disaster is unfolding before our eyes.
2021...you were quite a year. You started by introducing an evening curfew and you ended in a lockdown. In the months in-between there were many ups and downs. There was a lot that could not be ...
InScience film festival On Tour Eindhoven
In search of the facts
Many people in the West live in wealth, with good medical care, a decent income, and both men and women often receive a good education. In the rest of the world, it’s a different story: the vast...
Ranking of the Studium Generale Intro Quiz 2021
On the first day of the TU/e Intro week 2021/2022 we welcomed the new students with the SG Intro Quiz. The battle was fierce and 209 teams competed against each other, but only one team could win the ...
Summer break until September
We are done with it! Not with you, not with organizing great programs for you, not with life 'at large', but: we're done with corona. But, so it seems, things are going in the right d...
USE alert for Bachelor graduates
If your are planning to graduate for your Bachelor degree soon, make sure you have registered your attendance for five (mandatory) SG & USE programs at Studium Generale.
Column | Heavy stuff
Aren’t we all looking forward to going back to normal again? But, what exactly was ‘normal’ again? Time to check it out with Studium Generale.
Wanted: artistic heroes for the TU/e open expo in October
Is your creativity eager to emerge? Are you that secretive artist or tinkerer who is quietly waiting to be discovered? Are you an artist who knows how to express his/her ideas or feelings in...
World Press Photo 2020 at TU/e: exhibition will be replaced by online lecture
The World Press Photo exhibition that traditionally takes place at the TU Eindhoven every year, and which was supposed to be held from 12 to 31 March 2021, unfortunately cannot take place due to ...
Free online mini docu festival
From Monday, February 22 through Wednesday, February 24, enjoy three online movie nights featuring one documentary a night and a live streamed Q&A with the filmmaker or an expert on the topic...
Shaking up the film program
Watching a film in a cinema with the perfect sound and on an impressive screen like you are used to there, is not possible for the time being and everyone knows the reason why. First, our Filmhuis De ...
New program Q3
What the coming quarter will bring us socially, economically and in terms of study and work opportunities is still uncertain. What is certain though, is that there will be a lot of new Studium Ge...
On demand | recent video lectures, podcasts and photos
Don't search any longer! From now on you will find all available online lectures and programs we have recently organized in a handy overview under the navigation tab: 'On demand'. Also pod...
Column | A year to remember
What have you missed most in your student life this past year? Your fellow students, teachers, the familiar hallway to the lecture hall or your OGO group? The Thursday evening drinks, the house partie...
Canceled | InScience Film festival in Eindhoven, films can be watched online
With pain in our movie hearts we need to inform you that, due to the recently tightened Covid-19 measures, the InScience Film Festival in Natlab Eindhoven has to be canceled. There is a bright spot th...
SG movie program temporarily moves to Natlab
The movies programmed by Studium Generale will temporarily be screened in Natlab at the Kastanjelaan 500 in Eindhoven.Update January 13, 2021: Due to the current Covid-19 measures,...
Column and video | Hop on and enjoy the ride with Studium Generale
More than twenty-three hundred new students were recently introduced to Studium Generale ("SG" for insiders) during the online intro quiz. We got to know them a bit during that quiz and they...
General visiting principles SG programs during corona measures
Last update: 11 October 2020Because of the current RIVM corona measures, our programs will, from September 2020 onwards, be organised differently than you are used to. We offer programs on campus...
IntroQuiz: how did your team do?
On Monday August 17th we organized the IntroQuiz during the Introduction week of the TU/e to introduce new first year students to Studium Generale. 2200+ students participated in 160 teams in the quiz...
World Press Photo exhibition 2020 postponed till January 2021
Every September we show the World Press Photo exhibition here on campus. Unfortunately, this year, the exhibition had to be postponed till January 2021 due to the measures concerning the corona virus....
Summer break | New programming published here on August 17
It's been quite a roller coaster ride the past corona months. Running, coming to a standstill, changing direction, adjusting, changing direction again and that in repeating loops. N...
From September, USE again at Studium Generale
From the start of the 2020/2021 academic year, it is again possible to follow Studium Generale (SG) programs marked with a USE label; online and where possible also offline. From that moment on, there...
SG One minute tip | TU/e Summer University
Leonie, one of our enthusiastic student assistants and co-organizer of TU/e Summer university is back with a great summer tip for all TU/e students, PhD’s, PDEngs and employees who are staying i...
SG One minute tip | Grand Hotel Europa
Tjeu, student member of Studium Generale's Board Committee is back with another quick tip. This one is for everyone staying at home this summer instead of doing their usual mass tourism things, an...
SG One minute tip | De meeste mensen deugen (Humankind: A Hopeful History)
In this one minute tip, head of Studium Generale, Lucas Asselbergs tells you why he thinks the book "De meeste mensen deugen" by Rutger Bregman is a must-read, especially in times of crises ...
SG 6 Minutes Culture Quiz - (final) episode 3
Quizzes are still massive now, and we as Studium Generale have a tradition to hold up. In the nearby future we definitely gonna organize a live quiz, but we also like to tickle you with our new &lsquo...
SG One minute tip | Animation
Animations.. great for kids and even better for adults. At least, that's how program maker David thinks about it. Are you a fan of animation too?Enjoy watching the video.
SG One minute tip | Explained
Student assistant Lisa has a tip for you to watch on Netflix: a fascinating documentary series of which one specific episode is very topical.
SG 6 Minutes Culture Quiz - episode 2
Quizzes are still massive now, and we as Studium Generale have a tradition to hold up. In the nearby future we definitely gonna organize a live quiz, but we also like to tickle you with our new &lsquo...
SG One minute tip | Cinetree
Tjeu is a student member of Studium Generale’s Board Committee. He loves to watch films and he wants to give you some film tips in case you feel, like him, that Netflix doesn’t offer you e...
SG Two Minutes Lecture | Hip hop turned 40
Hip Hop has turned 40 last year, so it's time for an ultra short two minutes lecture about the history of hip hop, by our SG program maker and Hip Hop expert David Ernst. Listen, learn and enjoy t...
Column | Get a grip
On our way back from a skiing holiday in Valthorens, the highest ski resort in Europe, where the conditions can be harsh, the car starts to lose grip on the road and we steadily slide down a slope...
SG One minute tip | True stories podcasts
Student assistant Leonie loves to listen to podcasts and shares two of her favorites with you.
SG 6 Minutes Culture Quiz - episode 1
Quizzes are massive now, and we as Studium Generale have a tradition to hold up. In the nearby future we definitely gonna organize a live quiz, but we also like to tickle you with our new ‘6 Min...
SG One minute tip | Best tip ever
Studium Generale program maker David now has a 'one-of-a-kind' tip for you. It's unique, it's comprehensive and pretty much a necessity of life. Enjoy the tip!
SG One minute tip | Philosophy (from Seneca to The Good Place)
We are currently going through a crisis, and suddenly we are presented with all kinds of ethical and moral dilemmas. In this one minute tip, program maker Marle de Jonge explores whether the great phi...
SG One minute tip | Harari's book 'Homo Deus'
In this one minute tip, head of Studium Generale, Lucas Asselbergs tells you why he thinks the book Homo Deus from Yuval Noah Harari is a real page turner and a must read for all technology students. ...
SG One minute tip | Maps
Ever since he was a kid, SG program maker David has been fascinated by the magic of maps. His love for maps started in primary school by leafing through ‘De Grote Bosatlas’. It grew fast w...
SG One minute tip | The Rijksmuseum
In this one minute tip, program maker Esther discusses what the Rijksmuseum has to offer in the stay-at-home category. She tells you why you should check out her favorites: the interactive virtual tou...
Find our tips, columns, quizzes, long reads and lots more here
In these corona virus days you might want to get some interesting perspectives in culture, society and science to be inspired or just have a break from a long day studying or working from home. Beside...
SG One minute tip | Between Art & Quarantaine
Is staying at home getting the better of you? Then why not get creative by recreating a famous work of art!
SG One minute tip | STRP Festival online
In times of crisis, everyone's adaptability is put to the test. Social distancing is the current mantra. Social activities, events, concerts, theater performances, films, lectures, all are cancell...
Blog: About broadening and connecting in times of Corona
Postponed: Ad Dekkers / Work in process
The exhibition about the work of artist Ad Dekkers (1938 - 1974), characterized by austerity and geometry, which was planned for March / April in the Atlas building on the TU / e campus will be postpo...
Compete in The TU/e Music Battle and win a spot on stage at Plugged Festival!
Are you in a band, a rapper or a singer-songwriter that really deserves to shine at the music festival of Eindhoven: Plugged! Then come and compete with other bands and musicians in the...
Wrooooaaaaaaah we're closing for two weeks + photo flashback
Study activities are decreasing, study stress is on hold and you can almost smell the deep fried doughnut balls (and your breath on January 1st). Dear folks, the year has almost come to an e...
Wanna share your love for music?
Don’t say ‘no’ immediately.
Wanted: illustrator
We are eagerly looking for the drawing talent of our university. Someone who can make virtuous illustrations for our aproximately 12-14 workshops the upcoming academic year. Do y...
Birth announcement: Instagram
We herewith proudly present the birth of the new cub in our social media family. We call her Instagram. You are very much invited to follow @studiumgeneraletue to view frequent stories, progam info, c...
Popular indie rock band Pip Blom performs on April 25
When international music magazine Rolling Stone calls you "Cobain-isch" in your talent to say a lot with few words*, then you are definately doing something right. And that is exactly what i...
First exhibition in reopened TU/e main building
With 'Atlas: Mapping the State of the World' we organize the first exhibition in the renovated - and eponymous - main building of the TU/e. The exhibition shows the current themes of our ...
SG 2018: looking back and tips
This time of the year calls for cheesy retrospectives, New-Years-resolutions-that-are-killed-before-February and loony lists. We asked around in Studium Generale’s program team (Lucas, Gijs, Cor...
Lecture 'The truth about lying' cancelled and replaced with 'Are the rich more greedy than the poor?'
Unfortunately the lecture 'The truth about lying' on Wednesday December 19th has to be postponed due to personal circumstances of the speaker. However, there will be an alternative l...
SG 24/60: the aftermovie
Studium Generale turned 60 this year and we celebrated big time on October 4 and 5 for 24 hours straight. We felt truly inspired by all speakers, guests and performers who, together with all the ...
TODAY: SG24/60 don't miss it!
Today is the big day: SG24/60 is happening! We will surprise you 24 hours non-stop with inspiring lectures, interviews, a film night, workshops, a nightly dance marathon and a steaming primetime ...
SG24/60 Download the timetable now
Map out your path through 24 hours of non-stop fun. Download the timetable and click on the programs of your interest for more info.
SG24/60 The TU/e campus hunt for Strandbeesten has begun
With the final preparations for the SG24/60 event taking over our workdays, the Studium Generale team thought it would be a good idea to tackle one of our other priorities :) : Investigatin...
SG24/60 Alert: line-up announcement and timetable
The past months the Studium Generale team has been sweating, shaping, planning, calling, checking, cursing, verifying and high-fiving to put together a full and inspiring program for SG...
WANTED: Hands- on inventor
Sounds weird? No way Jose. Approaching our SG24/60 event (have you blocked your agenda already?) we are looking for a few peeps that can convert a remote controlled toy car into a driving flyer box wi...
Studium Generale turns 60 and we are gonna celebrate that for 24 hours straight! On October 4th from 10.00 a.m. until 10.00 a.m. the next morning you can enjoy a broad variety of what Studium Generale...
Origin of Life, lecture by Prof. George M. Whitesides
Last USE chance on the 19th of July“What was the origin of life?” This question is one of the most interesting in science, and unlikely ever to be answered unambiguously. It is also ...
SG goes on Summer break
That's it for this season! Our last program before the Summer. All the programs of the past year can be found in our archive.We're back at the start of classes in September.Our SG office ...
USE: The Final Countdown
Summer is almost here and so is the end of this college year, so maybe you are in full sprint to finalize your Bachelor program. While dashing towards the end, don not forget to check whether you have...
Not the answers, but the ever-changing questions lead to groundbreaking research
Nobel Prize winner Ben Feringa is a molecular explorer at the nanoscale. Last Tuesday he visited TU/e in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of TU/e’s Institute for Complex Molecular Systems ...
The room where I watched The Room
Hah hah hah, what a story! It has been over two and a half years since I went to a special screening of Tommy Wiseau`s The Room in my hometown of Tilburg. Even though I had read some of the internet l...
Eindhoven Elections: local politics for internationals
The municipal council elections take place on 21 March. But who can vote and whom should you vote for? On Friday 9th of March, about 65 (international) students and expats gathered in Luna to hear mor...
The most famous speech in film history
Last night was the showing of The Great Dictator at Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos. Once more for the fans (and for anyone who missed it): the final speech, which is seen as one of the best speech in (film)h...
Alternative found for canceled lecture Hazing & Humiliation
The lecture Hazing & Humiliation by dr. Liesbeth Mann (Wednesday 21 Februari) is canceled due to personal circumstances of the speaker. We're currently looking for an alternative program ...
Each quarter a new Studium Generale program booklet appears. On the first page there's a column written by the head of Studium Generale, Lucas Asselbergs. Read this quarter's column here. The ...
Welcome to our new website!
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website. Along with a new look, we have included some features that we hope will make visiting the site easier and a more interactive experience.
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