About Studium Generale

If you want to broaden your horizons, get inspired or experience something really special, you can take part in a wide range of Studium Generale activities throughout the year. A wonderful addition to TU/e's regular educational program. Lectures, discussions, concerts, exhibitions, theater and film performances, workshops and other special activities. Mostly free of charge. Both students and those who are interested in expanding their horizons are welcome to take part in our programs. What exactly? See below or check out our program!

Program committees
Build connections – make friends – present – broaden your horizons – book bands – enhance your resume – organize a festival – perform on stage – develop yourself? If so, Studium Generale is the place for you.

We love hearing your ideas! That’s why we have a film committee (contact person:  David Ernst) and culture programmers (Liza Gloudemans and David Ernst) who are open to suggestions for theater, music, dance, and more.

Interested in lectures, debates, or interviews? Let us know which topics or guest speakers you’d love to see at TU/e. You can even take on an active role in organizing an event. Contact persons: Marle de Jonge and Gijs van de Sande.

Would you like to contribute or help with our committees and programs? Schedule a meeting or drop by our office, Room 2.02 in the Auditorium. You can also call us at 040 247 4900 or email us at studium.generale@tue.nl.

Collaboration with student associations
Studium Generale is open to collaborations with individual students, study associations, student cultural organizations, and all other student clubs. Have a great idea for a joint event? Let us know.

Think of activities such as a lecture, concert, theater performance, quiz, workshop, film screening, or something entirely different—almost anything is possible. We’re happy to brainstorm with you.

Please note that we can’t accommodate all collaboration requests. Sometimes, we can only offer advice, but often, we work together to develop an initial idea into an amazing program. 
What’s important:

  • We truly collaborate.
  • The program is accessible to a broad student audience.
  • It aligns with our mission: fostering students’ scientific, cultural, societal, and personal development.
  • We have enough time to plan everything properly, considering our fixed programming deadlines.

Do you have an idea? Email us or feel welcome to visit our office (Auditorium 2.05 and 2.06). 

Student assistants
We have a number of student positions (see the contact page). Positions open up from time to time, sokeep an eye on our website , or reach out via e-mail or call 040 247 4900.

Executive committee
The executive committee of Studium Generale has final responsibility for the program policy. The committee consists of:

  • Prof.dr.ir. Yvonne de Kort (chair)
  • Prof.dr.ir. Jom Luiten
  • Prof.dr.ir. Ines Lopez Arteaga
  • Prof.dr.ing. Guus Pemen
  • Dr. Lucas Asselbergs (secretary) 
  • Student members: Annet Remijnse, Jagoda Burzynska, Kevin Splinters, and Ru Dahm.

Mission statement
Studium Generale's mission is to encourage and cultivate a lifelong quest for intellectual knowledge and broadening. It helps students and anyone else who wishes to gain new insights and experiences to broaden their horizons on an academic, cultural, societal and personal level by offering them a wide range of lectures, discussion programs, films, documentaries, theater plays, concerts, exhibitions, workshops, and excursions, among others. In this way, Studium Generale offers people the opportunity to develop an inquisitive and engaged mindset toward the world, as well as an evaluative view of it. Most programs are free, open to the public, and take place on the vibrant TU/e campus.*

*In some cases, programs are exclusively for students and/or there is a modest admission fee. In all such cases, this will be clearly indicated on the program pages of this website.

Student Cultural Associations
Are you a student in Eindhoven with a passion for culture? Then Scala is the place for you! Scala is the umbrella organization for cultural student associations in Eindhoven and is located in the Luna building on the TU/e campus.

The affiliated organizations offer a wide range of activities, from dance to board games, theater to photography, and much more. There’s something for everyone.

Studium Generale at other universities in the Netherlands 
Many universities and an increasing number of universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands have their own Studium Generale. While the size and content of the programs vary by city, they all share the same mission.
Most Studia Generalia publish their programs on their respective websites. Click here for an overview.

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