
Point of View: Surviving in Eindhoven

March 22 2022 till April 12 2022
Atlas, begane grond/ ground floor

How well do you know Eindhoven? Do you know the best place to take shelter in the pouring rain? This exhibition gives you an insight in the hidden lives of people who live on the streets in Eindhoven. 

Eindhoven, the city of design and technology. The hub of progress and future. And...Eindhoven, the city of some four hundred homeless people. The city of temporary sleeping at the TU campus, of addicts in porches, of vacant buildings - raw, dark and cold. What is the perspective along those frayed edges? What does the city look like if you have lost yourself in it? In this exhibition twelve people who have lived on the streets give you a glimpse into their lives, into their Eindhoven.

This exhibition is organized in collaboration with Ervaring die Staat and KDET (Klankbordgroep Dak- en Thuislozen in Eindhoven = Sounding board Homeless people in Eindhoven). Captions in the exhibition will be both in English and Dutch.

Guided city tour
As part of this exhibition, we will organize guided tours (in Dutch) through Eindhoven. People who have lived on the streets themselves will show you the campus and the city through their eyes. For more info and ticket reservation click here

Ervaring die Staat
Ervaring die Staat offers specific support, care and projects in the field of social care in Eindhoven through the deployment of experience workers and professionals, with the aim to better connect care to the needs of homeless people. It helps homeless people give direction to their lives with meaningful activities, to help them take control of their own lives again.

KDET Sounding board homeless people in Eindhoven
KDET members are homeless or formerly homeless people who use their experience, to advocate for the interests of homeless people.  They raise the issues that homeless people experience to improve the care and assistance provided to homeless people.

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