
A holocaust survivor’s story

Daniëlla Zwaaf
Wednesday, September 14 2022, 12:40 PM - 1:50 PM
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Daniëlla Zwaaf tells the story of her grandfather Abraham who survived the horrors of Auschwitz as well as the death march from this concentration and extermination camp in World War II. A story that makes you feel what it is like to be labeled less than human, and that unfortunately applies to feelings of exclusion and discrimination in our own contemporary society.

Please note that this program lasts until 13:50. It will not be possible to leave the room earlier.

This program is organized in collaboration with student organization Liberation 040.

As a seven-year-old, Daniella Zwaaf was not allowed to ask anything about what her grandfather had gone through, but she understood that the number 141826 branded on his arm had significance. Abraham Zwaaf survived Auschwitz, the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centers. Hell on Earth. Where over 1.1 million men, women and children lost their lives, only because others decided they were inferior people. Daniella's search for what happened to her grandfather brought shocking facts to light.

Daniëlla Zwaaf takes you into a story about powerlessness, exclusion, and persecution. Although set in World War II, it is actually quite topical when you think about it a bit longer. Think of what is happening in Ukraine, or with the Uyghurs in China, or even closer to home as with bullying in the classroom or discrimination in a job application process. And take a look at yourself. Who do you treat unfairly? We are all human beings with our own cultural backgrounds and personal life stories. Daniëlla Zwaaf discusses why it is important to get the opportunity to speak up about who you are and what you have been through in life -- to listen without judging, but also to respect people’s choice not to share their stories.  
Daniëlla Zwaaf is a team coach and trainer, trauma therapist, and a guest speaker for the Na de Oorlog Foundation. As a trainer/coach in the field of leadership and cooperation, she coaches individuals and teams. Her personal mission is to help individuals and teams bring the unspoken and unspeakable to light, so that everyone can feel safe and, from there onward, become more productive. Her guest lectures focus on themes like inequality and exclusion, and on the different stages of genocide.

Na de Oorlog (After the War) Foundation
This program is made possible by the Na de Oorlog Foundation. The foundation's goal is to raise awareness about anti-Semitism, racism, and discrimination, and to create awareness of the consequences of exclusion and discrimination. This is done through personal stories by guest speakers about family members who were eyewitnesses or victims of the Holocaust during World War II.

Liberation 040
This lecture is organized in collaboration with the Liberation 040 foundation, a student organization that, since 2018, has been organizing the Eindhoven Liberation Festival Liberation 040 honoring September 18th. Watch the after-movie and photos of previous editions here
In the run-up to the festival on Saturday 17 September, various activities will be organized to promote knowledge and awareness of the Second World War and the liberation of Eindhoven among young people and students. Activities are centered around this year’s theme Speak Up – feel free to be who you are. On Saturday 17 September, everyone is welcome in the city center to celebrate freedom together.

Ticket reservation recommended
To be assured of a seat for the discussion program, we recommend reserving a ticket (black "order" button). 
NOTE: This program will not be live streamed. 

SG & USE registration
Please register your participation upon arrival when attending the program on campus.  You can register by scanning your student card before the start of the program at the venue.

More information about SG & USE can be found here

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