Online , Dialogue

Pecha Kucha Night Eindhoven #40 sold out

Thursday, June 10 2021, 8:20 PM - 9:45 PM (sold out)
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Speakers from various disciplines will inspire the audience with their fast presentations of 20 images x 20 seconds. Extraordinary projects, innovative ideas, and bizarre fascinations: Pecha Kucha Eindhoven will tickle your mind.

20 slides x 20 seconds. A good idea doesn’t take long to explain! After 400 seconds, it’s the next speaker’s turn. No long-winded stories, just an evening packed with unique, funny and creative pitches. Bring your friends, and enjoy a night full of inspiration.

PechaKucha is a well-proven Japanese concept which translates as ‘chit chat’. This presentation format is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in over 1000 cities around the world.

Pecha Kucha Night Eindhoven is produced jointly by Studium Generale and TAC. See the Facebook event for the lineup of this evening.

Attend in real life or watch this lecture via livestream

This program will be streamed live to our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive a notification when we go live. You do not need to book a ticket to view the livestream. It is also possible to attend Pecha Kucha live in the audience in the Blauwe Zaal. If you wish to do so, please register using the 'Order' button. Registration is mandatory and we ask you to keep in mind all the corona rules and regulations

SG & USE registration

You can only register for SG&USE if you watch the entire program live (i.e., you can’t watch it at a later time) and if you complete an online SG&USE registration form within five minutes after the end of the program. Before the program starts, we will explain where and when you can find the link to the registration form. You will need to have your student ID number on hand because you'll need it to fill out the form.

Please make sure your registration is done properly, otherwise we will not be able to verify that you were present.

More information about SG & USE can be found here.

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