Online , Film, Documentary

Inside the Red Brick Wall

Glacier Kwong
Tuesday, February 23 2021, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Livestream (details will be provided after reservation)
Livestream (details will be provided after reservation)
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

A candid account of the student protests that took place at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2019, culminating in a violent police crackdown.

In 2019, Hong Kong was swept by demonstrations against the controversial extradition bill. At the Polytechnic University, a group of students also takes a stand for freedom and democracy. Negotiations with the police are chaotic and aggressive, conducted via megaphones and politically charged music played over loudspeakers. The colourful umbrellas that the young people use to protect themselves against the brutal police actions emphasize the group’s bravado, which borders on recklessness.

Besieged inside the university campus

What begins as an energetic battle against the establishment turns into a lopsided game of cat and mouse when the police decide to surround the building. Within its red brick walls, the university building becomes a prison. Over the nearly two weeks that follow, fear and exhaustion grows among the hundreds of students, and so does the uncertainty. Should they hang on inside, or leave the building to face the armed police? The camera follows the developments and emotions so closely that it is impossible for the viewer not to become caught up in this deadly clash.

After the online screening: live interview with Glacier Kwong, digital rights activist

Glacier Kwong is a political and digital rights activist, born and raised in Hong Kong. Glacier founded Keyboard Frontline, where she advocates for Human rights on the Web and she has travelled with Joshua Wong to find support for Hong Kong pro-democracy movement as well as explain causes of the massive demonstrations in Hong Kong in 2019. Glacier has been politically active since 2012, and was involved in the Umbrella Revolution of 2014. Kwong moved to Hamburg, Germany, for her studies in 2018. She is now pursuing her PhD in Law in the University of Hamburg, her researches focuses on data protection, surveillance in Hong Kong and China.

SG & USE registration

You can only register for SG&USE if you watch the entire program live (so not watching it at a later time) and if you complete an online SG&USE registration form within five minutes after the end of the program. Before the program starts we will explain where and when you can find the link to the registration form. Keep your student ID number at hand, because you'll need to fill it out in the form. Please make sure your registration is done properly, otherwise we cannot verify that you were present.

More information about SG & USE can be found here.

Ticket information

This program will be streamed live to an online platform. Tickets are free, but to receive the viewing link you need to register beforehand. You’ll receive the link one hour before the start of the livestream. Please register by clicking the black ‘Order’ button.

Please keep in mind that this is a one time screening and will start at this exact time. It will not be possible to pause or rewind if you tune in at a later moment. The film will also not be available anymore after the end of the program.

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