
Weathering with you (Tenki no ko) CANCELLED

Makato Shinkai
Maandag 30 maart 2020, 20:00 - 22:00
Dinsdag 31 maart 2020, 20:00 - 22:00
Filmhuis de Zwarte Doos

Due to the recent developments concerning the corona virus this program has been cancelled. Please check our regularly updated news article for further updates about the Studium Generale program.

A runaway boy from an island and a city girl who has the ability to change the rain to sunshine, join forces in Weathering With You.

Anime, fantasy
Language: Japanese, English subtitles
Makato Shinkai, Japan 2019

A runaway boy from an island and a city girl who has the ability to change the rain to sunshine, join forces in Weathering With You, Makoto Shinkai’s long-awaited anime follow-up to his 2017 Your Name (*IMDB rate 7.8)

Wednesday 1 April this film is programmed with introduction (USE).

Ticket reservation: call Natlab (040 2946848),
or buy your tickets at the cash register that opens one hour prior to the start of the movie.
Payment is only by PIN (with Maestro, so not with Visa or Mastercard).

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