
Jurassic Park

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Woensdag 13 december 2023, 19:30 - 22:15
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Prijs: € 4,50 incl. btw (Student) € 9,00 incl. btw (Anderen)

In one of Steven Spielberg’s greatest classic films, an adventure park full of recreated dinosaurs turns out to be a little more exciting than the visitors had bargained for. It may not have been the best idea to bring the kids along when it turns out the dinosaurs are bigger, stronger and angrier in captivity than the creators thought.

This film will be proceeded by an introduction.

Genre: action, adventure sci-fi
Language: English, no subtitles.

Jurassic Park is a tourist attraction featuring real-life dinosaurs cloned from dinosaur blood extracted from insects encased in ancient amber. A couple of scientists cannot resist the invitation to see this miracle for themselves. When the film was first released in 1993, the special effects of the film were a miracle in themselves.

Come and see the film that sparked a franchise that’s still going strong 30 years later. This film combines wonder and amazement with terror and adventure. In short, a true Spielberg Film. 

Jurrassic Park won three Oscars forBest Sound”, “Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing” and “Best Effects, Visual Effects”.
It won two BAFTA’S for “Best Special Effects”and “Most Popular Film”.

“The classic movie’s unforgettable performances and CGI effects remain glorious 30 years after its original release. It’s still an amazing ride.” The Guardian

“Colossal entertainment -- the eye-popping, mind-bending, kick-out-the-jams thrill ride of summer and probably the year.” Rolling Stone

“An exhilarating, sometimes terrifying monster of a movie that, once it gets you in its clutches, won't put you down again until the closing credits start to roll.” TV Guide Magazine

“For dinosaurs to rule the earth again, the monsters needed majesty as well as menace. And Spielberg got it all right.” Time

Ticket information
This film will be shown at Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos. Buying a ticket online in advance is mandatory if you want to attend this film. You can buy a ticket via the black “order” button on this page.
Please note: you can only buy a ticket online; tickets are not purchasable with cash or bank card at the ticket counter.
You can find more general information about tickets, refund policy etc. here.

Please be on time
The screening of the film starts at 19:30 sharp (no pre-film movie trailers). We kindly ask you to be at the ticket counter when it opens 15 minutes prior to the start of the film. This is to ensure the film starts and ends on time. 

The Studium Generale film program is created in collaboration with the student film committee and Natlab.

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