Lecture, Workshop

Roleplay: much more than swords

Susan Mutsaers and Kathelijne Penterman
Tuesday, May 10 2022, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

When you mention ‘roleplay’ or L.A.R.P. (live action role playing), many times one prejudice after another pops up. But roleplay is in fact more diverse than you might think. It’s more than just swords or recreation; it can be used to great effect in, for instance, education, philosophy, psychology and working skills.

The evening will evolve around roleplay: the definitions, history, types and functions. Besides a lecture, there will also be different (live-action) roleplay-workshops in which you can participate under professional guidance by Dutch L.A.R.P. designer Susan Mutsaers, who worked on 15 different L.A.R.P. and pervasive storytelling productions, and Kathelijne Penterman (TU/e alumnus). You will personally experience something new through acting and empathy. Think of real-life dilemmas or situations in which a completely different group than your own - e.g., refugees, the elderly, or executive board members - could end up.

This program is organized by Studium Generale and ESRG Knights of the Kitchen Table (the roleplaying game, board game, and larp association of the Eindhoven University of Technology).

Ticket reservation recommended
To be assured of a seat, we recommend reserving a ticket (black "order" button).
NOTE: This program will not be live streamed.

SG & USE registration
Please register your participation on the spot when attending the program on campus, by scanning your student card before the start of the program at the venue.

More information about SG & USE can be found here.

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