
Playing war sold out

dr. David Nieborg
Wednesday, September 24 2014, 12:40 PM - 1:35 PM (sold out)
Blauwe Zaal Auditorium

Games like Call of Duty and America’s Army demonstrate how the game industry and (American) military institutions are deeply intertwined on both a technological and economical level.

Game-expert David Nieborg discusses this so-called military-entertainment complex. He describes how the military and entertainment industries for decades cooperated to their mutual benefit, and illustrates what forms of cooperation the future might hold. The emergence of drones for example puts a radically new perspective on the militarization of game culture.

David Nieborg is a postdoc fellow at the University of Amsterdam and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he heads international research on innovation in the gaming industry. He published on digital culture and games, and has a particular interest in the political economy of the cultural industries, militainment and digital games. On these topics he is a regular contributing editor to NRC Handelsblad and NRC Next.

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