
Biomimicry sold out

Codrin Kruijne MSc
Wednesday, December 20 2017, 12:40 PM - 1:35 PM (sold out)
Blauwe Zaal Auditorium

It is not possible to make a reservation anymore. It may be possible to still get a ticket at the entrance, but there are no guarantees: full is full.

In organisms, natural selection acts as a driving force behind the evolution of well-adapted structures and materials. For engineers working on solving engineering problems, these sometimes brilliant biological ‘solutions’ are a source of inspiration and may provide insights for sustainable innovation. Biomimicry specialist Codrin Kruijne shows how to use concepts of nature in Research & Development processes and discusses why nature-inspired innovation will accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

Codrin Kruijne MSc is a certified biomimicry specialist, entrepreneurial educator and professional coach. He is one of the Board members of biomimicryNL, a foundation for the promotion and facilitation of biomimicry.

This lecture is organized in cooperation with the symposium committee of study association Van der Waals (Applied Physics) and is part of their symposium on Biomimicry.


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