
Past Lives

Directed by Celine Song
Monday, November 13 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Tuesday, November 14 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Wednesday, November 15 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Price: € 4.50 incl. vat (Student) € 9.00 incl. vat (Others)

Two deeply connected childhood friends, Nora and Hae Sung, are torn apart after Nora's family emigrates from South Korea to Canada. Two decades later, they are reunited in New York for one fateful week as they confront notions of destiny, love, and the choices that make a life, in this heart-rending modern romance.

Update on Monday 13 Nov. 18:30
Due to a technical problem, the movie "Past Lives" will not be screened on Monday, November 13th.  People who have purchased tickets for this evening have been notified by email. The film will be shown on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

Genre: Drama / Romance
Language: English/Korean, subtitles: English

Over the years, Nora and Hea Sung have tried to stay connected despite the great distance that separates them. Eventually, choices have to be made, but when they are reunited, the big “What if? ” makes them think about what might have been. 
In her debut film, playwright Celine Song explores notions of fate, love, and the thin line that separates the life we ​​live from the life that could have been. Past Lives was the surprise hit of the Berlin and Sundance film festivals earlier this year.

This gem of a film makes you think about all the small and big decisions you’ve made, and what might have happened if you’d taken a different path somewhere along the way. A heartfelt film that reveals both the beauty and the pain of true love. It also touches on the topic of how to feel at home in a culture you were not born into.

“A must-see story of lost loves, childhood crushes and changing identities.” The Guardian.

“It’s hard to imagine Past Lives not being one of 2023’s most talked-about films, and it richly deserves the honor.” Vox

“It’s a film full of quiet magic; of the power of words not spoken, and the enduring strength of love.”  The Seattle Times

“The movie ripples with the quiet melodrama of real life, the way big things often happen in the margins, and small things gradually come to mean the world.Time

Ticket information
This film will be shown at Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos. Buying a ticket online in advance is mandatory if you want to attend this film. You can buy a ticket via the black “order” button on this page.
Please note: you can only buy a ticket online; tickets are not purchasable with cash or bank card at the ticket counter.
You can find more general information about tickets, refund policy etc. here.

Please be on time
The screening of the film starts at 19:30 sharp (no pre-film movie trailers). We kindly ask you to be at the ticket counter when it opens 15 minutes prior to the start of the film. This is to ensure the film starts and ends on time. 

The Studium Generale film program is created in collaboration with the student film committee and Natlab.

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