
Maps to the stars sold out

Monday, January 26 2015, 8:00 PM - 9:50 PM (sold out)
Tuesday, January 27 2015, 8:00 PM - 9:50 PM (sold out)
Wednesday, January 28 2015, 8:00 PM - 9:50 PM (sold out)
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos

David Cronenberg, Canada 2014
English spoken

David Cronenberg’s Maps to the Stars is a macabre ensemble comedy of cruelty, insecurity and self-hate, written for the screen by Bruce Wagner and premiered at Cannes. It looks even more exquisitely horrible on a second viewing: a satire of contemporary Hollywood, depicting a communal nervous breakdown in a town so enclosed and incestuous that everyone is part of the same symbolic sibling-hood of fear. This is one, big, unhappy dysfunctional family, in which guilty souls are afraid of failure and haunted by the return of the repressed. Every surface has a sickly sheen of anxiety; every face is a mask of suppressed pain. It is a further refinement of this director’s gifts for body horror and satire

Entrance: students 3,50 euro / others 7,50 euro

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