
Living the light

Claire Pijman
Tuesday, November 27 2018, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Price: € 3.50 incl. vat (Student) € 7.50 incl. vat (Others)
Reservations via Natlab: 040-2946848

Director of Photography Robby Müller is one of the few people in the world who know how to play the sun. How to catch its rays like butterflies. How to strike its beams like chords. When Robby moves his camera, it turns into a musical instrument. And the whole world dances, radiates, is illuminated.

Claire Pijman, 2018

Language: English/Dutch, English subtitles

Director and DoP Claire Pijman had access to Müller's personal archive: thousands of Hi8 video diaries, personal pictures and Polaroids that Müller photographed throughout his career; often with long-term collaborators such as Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch and Lars von Trier. The film intertwines these images with excerpts from his oeuvre, creating a fluid and cinematic continuum. With his ground‑breaking camera work, inventive lighting methods, his sense of the depth of colour, and the freedom of framing, plus his ongoing quest for simplicity, he has encouraged generations of DoPs to discover their own eye. Besides being a master of the analogue, Müller became a pioneer of the digital when he shot his first features with Lars von Trier. His work has been compared to that of painters like Vermeer and Hopper – like him, also masters of light.

Please Note: payment only possible by PIN (using Maestro, so no VISA or Mastercard)
For reservations please call Natlab (040-2946848). When calling, please choose Plaza Futura in the menu.


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