
A plastic ocean

Craig Leeson
Monday, November 26 2018, 7:30 PM - 9:45 PM
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Price: € 3.50 incl. vat (Student) € 7.50 incl. vat (Others)
Reservations via Natlab: 040-2946848

A Plastic Ocean explores the fragile state of our oceans, uncovering alarming truths about plastic pollution and the threat it poses to human health, and critically suggests solutions that could be put into effect immediately to turn the tide.

Craig Leeson, US 2016

Language: English, subtitles English

The film’s journey begins with director and writer Craig Leeson in his search for the elusive blue whale. He unexpectedly discovers significant plastic waste in a part of the world that should boast pristine waters. Teaming up with former BBC Blue Planet producer Jo Ruxton and World Champion free-diver Tanya Streeter, Leeson and his crew travelled to over twenty locations around the globe over the course of four years to document how deep our plastic problem truly goes.

Karl Berenfenger of By the Ocean We Unite will give an introduction to the film.

By the Ocean we Unite is a Dutch foundation with charitable status that contributes to preventing more plastics from ending up in our oceans. By organizing a variety of activities – sailing expeditions, lectures, documentaries & more –they conduct research, create awareness, educate and activate people, organizations, and governments to make much-needed changes.


Please Note: payment only possible by PIN (using Maestro, so no VISA or Mastercard)

For reservations please call Natlab (040-2946848). When calling, please choose Plaza Futura in the menu

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