
The Experiment - Art from our own house sold out

Tuesday, March 15 2011, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (sold out)
Tuesday, May 3 2011, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (sold out)
Hal, Hoofdgebouw

From folding constructions and man-sized paintings to spicy kimonos and ingeniously made  metal birds, the Open Expo offers a wonderful range of creative expression.

This exhibition promises to be a feast of artistic talent at the TU/e that you cannot miss. Nearly fifty TU/e staff and students take part and the result is, both in quantity and variety,  surprising and successful. Each entry shows either a small or a large experiment, precisely the purpose of this exhibition.

There will be an opening ceremony on Tuesday March 15 at 16.30 hours in the hall of the Main Building. A catalog containing the background and sometimes surprising explanations of the creators wiill be released in early May.

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