
TU/e in dialogue: Turning the page

Wednesday, November 18 2020, 7:15 PM - 10:00 PM
Online via Microsoft Teams
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Every day we text, chat and discuss a lot with each other, but when was the last time you had a truly attentive, in-depth and personal conversation? We take far too little time for such conversations. So, take on the challenge: join the dialogue at the TU/e!

Meet new people and listen to each other's experiences, insights and ideas. Everyone is welcome! You don’t know in advance who you will meet, so every conversation will be even more surprising. After all, everyone has a special story to tell. All dialogues are centered on a selected theme, and this year’s pick is Turning the page.

Due to Corona, this edition is online-only. Registration is required and it is possible to participate in either a Dutch or English conversation (more info below). You can register until 04:00 PM on Wednesday 18 November, via the black ‘order’ button on the left side of this page.

Theme: Turning the page

What will appear when you turn the next page of your life story? Maybe it will be the beginning of a next chapter, or a dream for the future; or maybe the future is completely open to you – like a blank page. What do you hope to read or write on that next page? And what do you leave behind? Although it is your personal story, it could be part of a larger societal story. Probably, turning that page in your life is accompanied by a feeling: you may feel very excited and looking forward to it; or perhaps a bit apprehensive. In short, a range of interesting and meaningful conversations are possible with this theme. What it brings you is what matters most.

“Is my life a book that I read or a book that I write?”

(TU/e student Ricardo van der Aa)

What comes to mind as you think about this metaphor will be the first ingredient for a special evening with personal and insightful conversations. We are all curious about your next page!

Dialogue framework
The conversation will be structured around the four steps of the dialogue framework: getting to know each other, sharing experiences, dreaming, and doing. You will participate in a conversation with a group of 4 participants (max.) under the guidance of a facilitator. You will experience what it means to listen carefully to the personal story of others and to be able to tell your story without being interrupted. It is an evening for people who are open minded and curious about other people’s perspectives.

Starting and ending times
You are welcome to join the Teams meeting starting at 7:00 PM; the event will begin at 7:30 PM; make sure you have entered the Teams meeting by 7:15 PM at the latest. The dialogue will end at 10:00 PM at the latest. If you participate, we assume that you will be present for the entire evening.

Corona & offline/online
Due to Corona, we have organized this edition as an online-only event. One week prior to the dialogue, you will receive an email with a link to the Teams videocall meeting.

Dutch or English dialogue
It is possible to participate in either a Dutch or English dialogue. Only participate in a Dutch-language dialogue if you are comfortable and fluent in speaking Dutch. Please, do not use the dialogue evening as a language course. One week prior to the dialogue, you will receive an email in which you can indicate whether you prefer to participate in a Dutch or English dialogue.

This event is a joint initiative of TINT, Eindhoven in Dialoog and Studium Generale TU/e.

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