
SG is looking for PR talent! sold out

Wednesday, April 12 2017, 1:00 AM - 1:00 AM (sold out)

SG is looking for PR talent! Contribute to the promotion of our programs, let your creativity flow, and become part of an awesome group of students. Would you like to join the SG PR committee? Send an e-mail to Esther van Kalken ( before 8 May.


Studium Generale already has a film committee and a music committee. In those committees, students help determine the program that we offer. Now, we are forming up the first PR committee of SG! The purpose of this new committee is to build a stronger community around SG and to let as many people as possible know about the awesome things that we do. The committee will meet once every two weeks.

Are you excited about our program and do you have ideas about how to reach more people at the TU/e? Do you want to shape the idea of the PR committee and everything that it does? Then we are looking for you.

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