
From September, USE again at Studium Generale

From the start of the 2020/2021 academic year, it is again possible to follow Studium Generale (SG) programs marked with a USE label; online and where possible also offline. From that moment on, there is no longer an exemption from the SG&USE obligation for Bachelor students who are going to obtain their Bachelor degree and have not yet completed their USE learning trajectory.

Over the past few months, the SG programs have been adjusted according to the TU/e corona measures. The biggest change has been that we were no longer able to offer our lectures, theatre performances, concerts, films and workshops offline on campus and that, where possible, we switched to online streaming of programs. Until summer it was not possible to register for SG&USE with these programs and Bachelor students who graduate in the academic year 2019/2020 were exempt from the obligation to follow five SG programs with USE label. However, from September onwards it is again possible to register for SG&USE.

How does it work?

You can find the new full program for the first quartile (September-October) on our website from mid-August onwards. It is indicated per program whether it is possible to register for SG&USE.
USE registration will be possible via both:

  • The offline programs marked with a USE label that will take place on campus for a limited group of visitors. The number of visitors that we can receive is limited due to RIVM measures. Reservations via the website are mandatory from now on if you would like to attend the offline program.
  • The online programs marked with a USE label will be streamed live. Please note: do NOT make a reservation if you want to watch the program online via the livestream. You can only register for SG&USE if you watch the entire program live (so not watching it at a later time) and if you complete an online SG&USE registration form within five minutes after the end of the program. During the program we will explain where and when you can find the link to the registration form. In the program info on the website you will find where you can view the livestream.

More information about the SG & USE regulation and its registration (e.g. when is the registration iprocessed in your personal overview?) can be found on the USE page on this website.


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