
PechaKucha Eindhoven vol. 24 uitverkocht

Donderdag 23 februari 2017, 20:20 - 23:59 (uitverkocht)

20 slides x 20 seconds. A good idea doesn’t take long to explain! After 400 seconds it’s the next speaker’s turn. No long-winded stories, but an evening full of unique, funny and creative pitches. Bring your friends and enjoy a night full of inspiration.

PechaKucha is a well-proven Japanese concept which translates as ‘chit chat’. It’s a presentation format based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in over 1000 cities around the world.

Pecha Kucha Night Eindhoven is produced jointly by Studium Generale, TACDutch Design Foundation and Van Abbemuseum.

See also: www.pechakuchaeindhoven.nl  for the lineup of this evening.

free entry

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