
Paradoxical China uitverkocht

Prof.dr.ir. Peter Ho
Woensdag 14 maart 2012, 11:45 - 13:00 (uitverkocht)
Blauwe Zaal Auditorium

Paradoxical China; Star economy or crisis bound?

In the current financial crisis many people look to China for answers. The country has a reserve of $ 1.6 trillion and has been growing steadily. However, things are not as simple as they look. China  faces many problems,  for instance concerning agriculture, the environment and, more recently, the real estate bubble. In the last five years, house prices have risen by a staggering 400 to 500%. TU/e University lecturer prof.dr.ir. Peter Ho  (Leiden University) introduces the paradoxes of the Chinese economy and explains why the real estate bubble could have an impact on the whole world.

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