
Understanding the war in Ukraine

Prof. dr. Hans van Koningsbrugge
Dinsdag 29 maart 2022, 12:40 - 13:20
MS Teams livestream
Prijs: Gratis (Student) Gratis (Anderen)

In this current affairs program, we discuss the background and implications of the ongoing war in Ukraine with expert on Russian history prof. Hans van Koningsbrugge.
This program can only be watched online via livestream. 

Why did Russia invade Ukraine? What historical, geopolitical and economic factors are involved? And how can this war be stopped? As the war in Ukraine holds the world in its grip, we reflect on the latest developments in an interview with prof. Hans van Koningsbrugge. 

Send in your questions
You are invited to submit questions for this interview beforehand via studium.generale@tue.nl. There will also be opportunity to ask questions in the livestream chat. 

Prof.dr. Hans van Koningsbrugge is a professor of the History and Politics of Russia, in particular Dutch-Russian Relations, at University of Groningen. In his work he pays special attention to political and economic developments from a Dutch perspective, and to the decision-making processes and mechanisms in Russia in the 20th and 21st centuries, particularly with regard to international cooperation. Van Koningsbrugge is also a guest lecturer at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael and the Netherlands Defence College Rijswijk. He is also Director of the Centre for Russian Studies at the University of Groningen and of the Netherlands-Russia Centre.

Please note: ​This program can ONLY be watched online via livestream. 

You can attend by clicking on this LINK TO LIVESTREAMStudents who want to register for SG&USE should login with their TU/e students email account and watch the entire program.

Online SG&USE registration
You can only register for SG&USE if you watch the entire program live via MS Teams and are logged in with your TU/e student email account (i.e., you can’t watch it at a later time) and if you complete an online SG&USE registration form within five minutes after the end of the program. Before the program starts, we will explain where and when you can find the link to the registration form. You will need to have your student ID number on hand because you'll need it to fill out the form. Please make sure your registration is done properly, otherwise we will not be able to verify that you were present. 

More information about SG&USE can be found here.

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