
Triangle of Sadness

Directed by Ruben Östlund
Maandag 20 maart 2023, 19:30 - 22:00
Dinsdag 21 maart 2023, 19:30 - 22:00
Woensdag 22 maart 2023, 19:30 - 22:00
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Prijs: € 4,00 incl. btw (Student) € 8,00 incl. btw (Anderen)

Models Carl and Yaya are invited on a luxury cruise with a motley crew of abnormally wealthy passengers on board, including a Russian oligarch and British arms dealers. The voyage begins as a perfect Insta-post, but a violent storm is brewing. That the helm is in the hands of a wayward, alcohol-addicted, Marx-citing captain (Woody Harrelson) doesn't help.

Language: English, subtitles: Dutch

Carl and Yaya meet a grotesque array of haves, have-somes and have-nots. At first, everything seems Insta-perfect, but the hierarchy is about to change completely. Stormy weather and some gluttonous haute cuisine result in the first disasters, but that is merely the start of unexcepted reversals in fortune.

The Triangle of Sadness has interesting things to say about humanity and the corruption of power. It is over the top, includes some rather disgusting scenes, but above all, it is great fun throughout. The film manages to create deeply uncomfortable situations for people who are more than comfortable with their privilege. Woody Harrelson is brilliant as the drunk captain, but he’s not the only member of the cast who does an excellent job. They all seem to be enjoying their role at some point in the film, and what’s more fun in the Dutch Happiness Week than to laugh at the ridiculously rich?

The film won several awards, including the prestigious Palme d’Or at Cannes Film festival.

“Östlund has created a full-throated, roaring comedy of hate against the upper classes. It is cynical, nihilistic and has no issue about punching down.” CineVue

“It’s a fantastic mix of the funny, the astute, the disturbing and the brainy in the very specific style of Östlund. It’s a pleasure to watch it play out.” Original-Cin

“Triangle of Sadness is an utterly hilarious satire told in three acts, each more ludicrous than the last.” Slashfilm

"Even though the situations in this shrewd political satire may be absurd, Östlund ensures it has a surprising amount of warmth and nuance, and the people in it are as human as any of us." ***** BBC

Ticket information
This film will be shown at Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos. Buying a ticket online in advance is mandatory if you want to attend this film. You can buy a ticket via the black “order” button on this page.
Please note: you can only buy a ticket online; tickets are not purchasable with cash or bank card at the ticket counter. A ticket is not refundable or exchangeable.
You can find more general information about tickets, refund policy, etc. here.

Please be on time
The screening of the film starts at 19:30 sharp (no commercials). We kindly ask you to be at the ticket counter when it opens 15 minutes prior to the start of the film. This is to ensure the film starts and ends on time.

The Studium Generale film program is created in collaboration with the student film committee and Natlab.


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