
The Big Lebowksi, 25th anniversary

Directors Joel and Ethan Coen
Zondag 14 mei 2023, 14:30 - 18:00
Natlab, Kastanjelaan 500 Eindhoven

25 years later, Natlab is bringing the classic film The Big Lebowksi back to the big screen, followed by an awesome live music performance by, world famous in Eindhoven ;), Björn van der Doelen's band: De Huursoldaten. It's going to be a blast!

The discounted student tickets via our website are sold out. You can, however, still order regular tickets via the Natlab website.

Genre: Drama, comedy
Language: English, subtitles: Dutch

When "the dude" Lebowski is mistaken for the millionaire Lebowski, two thugs urinate on his carpet to force him to pay a debt he knows nothing about. While trying to get compensation for the ruined carpet, he accepts a one-time job with a high salary. The situation gets out of hand and is wonderfully portrayed. Complete with humorous characters, a strong script and surreal dream sequences. The Big Lebowski remains one of the Coen brothers' most popular films.

After the film, former PSV soccer player and musician Björn van der Doelen will perform the Lebowski soundtrack with his band De Huursoldaten. His music will be inspired by the film. Enjoy the concert with a delicious White Russian or have your best pinball experience ever on a Lebowski pinball machine and hit the mini bowling alley! 

This film is recommended by the Film Committee because: "It truly deserves the title of cult film. Its influences are far-reaching and no re-watch (or first watch) will leave you unsatisfied. "The Dude" still has a lot to teach anyone who still takes life too seriously, or just wants to sit back, relax and enjoy a good White Russian."

Ticket information
The discounted student tickets via our website are sold out. You can, however, still order regular tickets via the Natlab website. (student ticket €20,50, others €23,50).

Please be on time 
We kindly ask that you be at the ticket counter when it opens at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the film. This is to ensure that the film starts and ends on time. The film starts at 14:30 and end at 16:30. The concert will take place from 17:00 to 18:00.

The Studium Generale film program is selected in collaboration with the Student Film Committee and Natlab. 


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