
TU/e open expo | Artistic heroes like you

TU/e students and employees
7 oktober 2021 t/m 28 oktober 2021
Atlas building

We are a university of technology, not an art school -- yet art and technology are intertwined (think of Leonardo da Vinci). Perhaps a polytechnic then is a fine habitat for creative people, and that is exactly what this exhibition shows. Discover these talented individuals and their ideas behind their works in the festive Artistic heroes like you' exhibition. During the month of October 2021, the exhibition ‘Artistic Heroes’ will take place as part of the Lustrum TU/e 65. Students and employees of the Eindhoven University of Technology will exhibit their piece(s) of work, varying from paintings to photographs, from textile works to sculptures, from poems to renderings, or in any other form (2d or 3d).

From a statue of 6 meters high to little painted stones of a mere 3 centimeters, you can find it all here…... From a bachelor student to a full professor or a security professional to the University secretary, you can find all these artistic heroes here…... What’s most important is that any individual from any background at our university has found a way to express her-, him- or itself artistically, and bet-you-by-golly-wow -- what a diverse and artistic exhibition this will be!

“We have received 65 suitable submissions. Isn't that the perfect number for an exhibition honoring the university's 65 years?” says Lucas Asselbergs, head of Studium Generale and a member of the lustrum committee. Please click here to read the article that TU/e's Cursor has written about 'Artistic heroes like you'.

Come and see the work of your fellow students or colleagues. They are THE artistic heroes! And you know the saying:…… EARTH without ART is just EH…….

No time to visit? Or did you actually already visit and want to take a bit more time to read the personal stories behind the art works? We have created a booklet of the artworks and these personal stories which you can view here.

In 2021, Eindhoven University of Technology celebrates a momentous milestone: it's 65th birthday with the lustrum theme: Heroes like you. Heroes are a source of imagination, admiration and inspiration. There is also a hero inside each one of us, and inside of you.
There will be an array of diverse activities throughout 2021, ranging from special performances, symposia, activities on campus, exhibitions and festive gatherings in the departments, joined collaboration with the City of Eindhoven and with various industries. More info can be found here.

Practical info

The ‘Artistic Heroes like you’ exhibition can be visited on the ground level in the Atlas building on the TU/e campus. You do not need a ticket to enter the exhibition and there will be no CoronaCheck. If the entry policy changes due to changing corona measures, we will communicate this on this website. So please check this web page prior to your visit.

Opening times are:

  • Every Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 18:00
  • Sat-Sun: 11:00 – 18:00 (except for Sat-Sun 9-10 Oct. open until 17:00) 

Photos of opening event
On October 7 there was a festive opening event of the exhibition. You can view a photo impression here.

Cursor artikel over de tentoonstelling
TU/e's de Cursor was bij de opening aanwezig, sprak enkele exposanten en schreef er een leuk artikel over dat je hier kan  lezen.

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