
To Infinity and Beyond: The Universe as Experiment

Prof.dr. Heino Falcke, Prof.dr. Renate Loll
Dinsdag 31 mei 2022, 20:00 - 21:30
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Prijs: Gratis (Student) Gratis (Anderen)

Is it rational to believe in things beyond the observable? A conversation with theoretical astrophysicists Prof.dr. Heino Falcke and Prof.dr. Renate Loll about the limits of evidence, life as an experiment, and the life vision of a scientist. Can a scientist believe in God?

This program is organized jointly by students of Veritas-forum Eindhoven and Studium Generale (TU/e).

If you look up at the sky on a clear night, you will see a beautifully radiant, fascinating starry sky above you. Although many years of research have enormously enriched our knowledge about the universe, it still remains a great mystery. What lies beyond the unknown?

For renowned scientists Prof.dr. Heino Falcke and Prof.dr. Renate Loll, understanding the universe is the ultimate scientific challenge. Falcke is world famous for presenting the first ever image of a black hole (April 2019); Loll is an internationally renowned researcher in the field of Quantum Gravity, the holy grail of fundamental high-energy physics. Both conduct scientific research in the same tradition. However, they have their own talents and beliefs, and therefore different views on the power of science and everything around them. What they both value highly: the experiment.

Together and with the audience, Falcke and Loll will discuss their views on doing science in relation to their attitudes toward life and to their views about the inexplicable. Is it necessary to be able to prove everything? What role do assumptions play in scientific experiments? Are faith and science at odds, or are they an enrichment of each other and of life? A conversation about motives, about knowing and not knowing, and about belief and disbelief.

The conversation will be moderated by science journalist Ans Hekkenberg. She is an editor at the popular science monthly New Scientist. Ans Hekkenberg speaks and writes about physics, astronomy, technology, and the importance of diversity in science.

Prof.dr. Heino Falcke is a professor of Astroparticle Physics and Radio Astronomy at the Institute for Mathematics, Astronomy and Particle Physics (IMAPP) in the Faculty of Science (Radboud University, Nijmegen). His research focusses on super massive black holes and jets. In October 2020, he published his book Licht in de duisternis (Prometheus).

Prof.dr. Renate Loll is professor in Theoretical Physics, also at the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP, RU Nijmegen). She works on developing a theory of quantum gravity, reconciling the beautiful geometric description of space and time laid out in Einstein's theory of General Relativity, with the insight that all of physics at its most fundamental level must be described by quantum laws of motion. Loll also holds a Distinguished Visiting Research Chair at Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Drinks afterwards
There will be drinks following the discussion. You are very welcome to join. 

The Veritas Forum
A Veritas Forum is an event organized at a university to discuss the big life questions from a scientific, religious, and philosophical perspective. This Veritas Forum is organized jointly by students of Veritas-forum Eindhoven and Studium Generale (TU/e).

Ticket reservation recommended
To be assured of a seat, we recommend reserving a ticket (black "order" button). The doors will open at 19:45 hrs.
NOTE: This program will not be live streamed.

SG&USE registration
Please register your participation on the spot when attending the program on campus, by scanning your student card before the start of the program at the venue.

More information about SG&USE can be found here.

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