Theater, Discussie

TIME OUT: Social Safety at TU/e

Stichting TIME OUT
Dinsdag 4 oktober 2022, 15:45 - 17:15
Dinsdag 4 oktober 2022, 19:30 - 21:00
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Prijs: Gratis (Student) Gratis (Anderen)

How comfortable are you to be who you are at this university? Have you ever experienced instances where staff or fellow students have treated you or others in a hurtful way? If so, then you’re not alone. 

If you take a moment and think about it, you’ve probably encountered social situations in this university that made you feel uncomfortable at some point. Maybe a teacher said something to one of your classmates that you found offensive, maybe your friends made well-intentioned jokes in the pub about things you consider to be insulting, or maybe you even experienced sexism or racism first-hand at a fraternity night. In such moments, it can be hard to figure out how to respond.

Even though we all think it’s an important issue, social safety remains a tough topic to talk about. We’re often afraid to say the wrong things, to offend someone, or to portray ourselves as complainers or victims. That sucks, because it is through talking and listening that we can share our experiences and begin to understand those of others.

In TIME OUT, we try to create a safe space in which the social safety on this campus as experienced by students can be explored. TIME OUT is interactive theater experience meets live research project. It triggers a conversation about social safety by staging scenes that were specifically written for our TU/e community.

After the play, you can stick around in our TIME OUT CAFE. Here you can have a drink and casually chat about the performance, put your complaints on the complaint wall, share your ideas for change to inspire others, or talk to a professional about your situation.

This program is definitely a must-visit for students who are doing a board year, who are active members of (social) committees, and for everyone – students, teachers, and support staff – who takes social safety seriously.

TIME OUT: Social Safety is jointly organized by student fraction Groep-één, Diversity Week and Studium Generale. The theater performance is produced by stichting TIME OUT. The Café is organized together with TINT.

Ticket reservation recommended
Only TU/e and Fontys students and employees can attend this program.
To be assured of a seat, we recommend reserving a ticket (black "order" button) for the afternoon- or the evening program.
NOTE: This program will not be live streamed.

SG & USE registration 
Please register your participation upon arrival when attending the program on campus.  You can register by scanning your student card before the start of the program at the venue.

More information about SG & USE can be found here.

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