
New Q4 program: on campus only

Studium Generale ushers in the final quarter of this academic year with a rich array of programs and topics from all corners of science, culture, and society!

And the good thing is: everything is live, face-to-face, in- or outside on campus. We will stop livestreaming programs for now and bring the experience back to campus. You can visit a lecture in De Blauwe Zaal, like in the good old days, and you can ask your question directly to the speaker via the "microphone-catchbox" instead of via a screen. There will be eye contact again when he or she  answers your question. You can catch a good movie with friends in Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos, because binge-watching is soooo 2021 (and you've probably seen everything on the streaming services by now). And how nice is it to be able to experience theater and music up close and personal again? We've got classical music, jazz, hip hop, a Vogue workshop and more dizzyingly exciting things for you to do up until summer. So open your pores and sharpen your senses; we'd love to see you at our LIVE programs!

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