
One Night Cello Stand | sold out sold out

Hein Pijnenburg
Monday, September 27 2021, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM (sold out)
To be announced
Price: € 7.50 incl. vat (Student)

“Learning to play the cello in one night? No way that can be done!” Well, we bet you can do it!

CoronaCheck: To attend this workshop on campus you will need to show a valid admission ticket, a COVID-19 certificate (proof of vaccination, a negative test result, or proof of recovery, presented using the CoronaCheck app) and your ID. Further information about CoronaCheck can be found here.

Have you ever thought of trying to learn to play the cello? Cello? That super difficult string instrument with that characteristic sound, a range of almost four octaves and probably invented at the end of the 16th century? Yes, that's what we're talking about and now you get the chance to learn to play the cello in one evening. Of course, we make sure we have plenty of chello’s available and the professional accompaniment will be done by Hein Pijnenburg.

This workshop is only for students. More info about the rules for workshops.

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