Unfortunatelly, this workshop was cancelled due to lack of registrations.
New to the Netherlands? It can be hard to settle in and get accustomed to different rituals and habits. In this hands-on course you’ll learn all about the Dutch, their quirks and their culture.
“The teacher was so direct in his reply that I felt offended and blushed in front of everybody”
“My Dutch friends all went home after 5pm and I felt left alone”
“They insisted I had a drink with them, but as a rule I don’t drink alcohol”
Misunderstandings like these are often caused by cultural differences. Vincent Merk is an expert on intercultural communication with many years of training and teaching experience at the TU/e. He provides you with tools to help you communicate, study, work and socialize across cultural borders to integrate successfully into everyday life in the Netherlands.
You will share your own experiences with those of other participants and jointly develop best practices. The workshop is based on a 4-step approach that includes developing cultural awareness to recognize and accept cultural differences, and reconciling your own culture with the Dutch culture. Activities include simulations, presentations and group discussions. Typical aspects of Dutch life run through both evenings.
Costs: 10,-
Participants from all backgrounds are welcome; also Dutch students with an interest in cultural differences are encouraged to join.