
The future of meat consumption sold out

Prof. dr. Arnold Tukker
Wednesday, September 8 2010, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM (sold out)
Filmzaal De Zwarte Doos

The consumption of meat is still a hot topic these days. Current Dutch farming industry is harmful to animal, man and society and is ethically irresponsible. This was argued in an essay signed by more than hundred Dutch full professors. An UNEP-report about the environmental impacts of consumption and production also showed that meat consumption treatens the global environment.

Prof. dr. Arnold Tukker, lead author of the UNEP-report, will discuss how harmful meat consumption is for ourselves and our environment, and what the necessary measures to be taken are.
(Unfortunately, Dé van de Riet has cancelled his participation in this programme)

This programme is organized in collaboration with the university committee Technology for Development (TVO).

About Arnold Tukker
Arnold Tukker manages the Sustainable Innovation Research Program for TNO, a large not for profit research organization in the Netherlands, and is part time professor of Sustainble Innovation and NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. He set up the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchanges (SCORE!), a network of a few hundred researchers under the EU’s 6th Framework Program, which developed knowledge for various international policy agenda’s such as the UN’s Ten Year Framework of Programs Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). He authored 5 books, 40 papers and 5 special issues on sustainability research, and has been engaged with work of the UN on the Green Economy Initiative and the Resources Panel.

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