
The Climate Game (sold out)

Dr. Pieter Pauw
Wednesday, March 13 2019, 12:40 PM - 1:20 PM
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Tackling climate change requires on a fair distribution of benefits and burdens. Dr. Pieter Pauw, expert in the field of climate policy and climate finance, discusses the geopolitical game and the results of Katowice.

There are no more places available for this event. It may be possible to obtain a ticket at the entrance, but we’re not able to guarantee it.

The elaboration and refinement of the agreements made at the conference in Paris (2015) and recorded in the so-called Paris rulebook, was the key topic of the International Climate Change Conference in Katowice (Poland), December 2018.

One of the most important issues: how can we ensure benefits and burdens are distributed fairly? Both on a global scale – between countries – and on a national level – between companies, households and various sectors such as agriculture, transport and energy.

Dr. Pieter Pauw is a researcher at the FS-UNEP Center of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and provides policy advice on climate policy and climate finance. He has published numerous scientific papers, book chapters, reports and op-eds and is a contributing author to the IPCC’s fifth assessment report. In this lecture he will discuss the geopolitical game countries play, the outcome of the conference in Katowice and what these results mean for the fight against increasing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

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