
Student Take-Over: Goethe

Dr. Ansgar Mohnkern and Luca de Clippelaar
Tuesday, April 23 2024, 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM
Corona hall, Luna building
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Is Goethe merely dismissed as a tedious old German writer lacking relevance? Think again! Join this lecture given by both a professor and a student and discover why everyone's life could be enriched by delving into the literary masterpieces of this renowned German author from the 18th century. 

This lecture was previously scheduled for February 27, but has been rescheduled for April 23. Reserved tickets for February 27 are no longer valid. Please order a new free ticket via the black order button on this page.

Poetry, literature, biology, anatomy, optics, geology, theater, philosophy and politics: the German literary leviathan Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) practiced and studied all these different disciplines, making him the last of the homines universals, on the same level as Aristotle, da Vinci, Newton, Pascal or Thomas Jefferson. His entire literary output consists of 142 volumes, ranging from poetic to scientific to philosophical works. Although Goethe is celebrated as an important historical figure in Germany, he is relatively obscure in the English and Dutch cultural landscape, compared to, for example, Shakespeare or Multatuli. Therefore, it’s time to introduce you to Goethe’s (scientific) work and to show you why Goethe is not a boring historical figure, but a man with an interesting biography and important thoughts and scientific insights. 

You will be enlightened this evening by dr. Ansgar Mohnkern and Luca de Clippelaar, the initiator/ organizer of this SG Student Take-Over. Ansgar Mohnkern is University Lecturer in  German Language and Culture at the UVA, studied at Yale and wrote a dissertation on Goethe. Luca de Clippelaar is a master’s student in Electrical Engineering with a passion for literature and philosophy. He sees an enormous power, vitality and wisdom in Goethe’s works and will tell you more about it.

Everything you always wanted to know about Goethe: What is life? Goethe as writer and scientist.

Student Take-Over
This lecture is a Student Take-Over; a Studium Generale program run BY students FOR students. Once a quarter, we give you, the students, the chance to use our resources to create an awesome Studium Generale program without our interference. Please join us in this experiment!

Ticket reservation recommended
This lecture was previously scheduled for February 27, but has been rescheduled for April 23. Reserved tickets for February 27 are no longer valid. Please order a new free ticket via the black order button on this page.

SG & USE/ITEC registration 
Please register for SG & USE/ITEC by scanning your student ID at the venue prior to the start of the program.
More information about SG & USE/ITEC can be found here


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