The future of cars, robots and humans
In the future we will increasingly be surrounded by intelligent technology; both inside our homes as outside on the street, in visible as well as invisible ways. Cars will evolve into iPads on wheels and all kinds of robots will help do our job and take care for the ill and elderly. Living with a private robot will be as common as keeping a pet. Every day the interaction between humans and technology will increase. It will change society and this revolution offers opportunities for solving social problems.
Distinguished University Professor Maarten Steinbuch (TU/e) is professor in Systems and Control. Among other things, he is the initiator of the TU/e Bachelor Automotive and director of the Graduate Program Automotive systems. He is also a four-time winner of the ‘Best-Teacher’ award of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Today he discusses what developments we can expect in the (near) future when it comes to cars and robots in relation to human beings.
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