
Press freedom under siege sold out

Mark Fuller
Wednesday, April 29 2015, 12:40 PM - 1:35 PM (sold out)
Collegezaal 4, Auditorium

For individuals and society, reliable and objective news and information are essential to know what is happening locally and globally and to survive and develop. Journalists play a key role. They are the ones who collect information, check and analyze facts and publish their findings. Unfortunately, total press freedom does not exist even in the most progressive western democracies.

Mark Fuller is a journalist and board member of the NVJ, the Dutch Journalists Association. He discusses why press freedom is sometimes limited by governments, how press freedom is influenced by journalists themselves and by the practice and organization of journalism, and how the internet and social media push press freedom to its limits.

This lecture is part of the TU/e-lecture series Technology, peace and security. Organized in cooperation with the section Technology, Innovation and Society of the department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences.

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