
Food or biofuel sold out

Dr. ir. Jacqueline Vel
Wednesday, April 25 2012, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM (sold out)
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium

Jatropha in Indonesia

Biofuels could be a remedy against energy crises and further climate change. How prudent - or ethical - are Western governments’ consumption targets for biofuels, when their production endangers food security? One solution to the food versus fuel dilemma could be the non-food crop jatropha. Another solution is new technological development for producing energy from parts of plants that are not edible.

Dr. ir. Jacqueline Vel  (Leiden University)- coordinator of an international research program on socio-legal, political and agronomical aspects of jatropha  in Indonesia -  elaborates on this discussion and illustrates it with examples from Indonesia.

This lecture is organized with Technology for Development (TvO)

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