What role did universities play in colonial society, and what is the legacy of that today? In this lecture we will look at concrete and empirical examples of colonial legacies that live on in the creation and use of (scientific) knowledge, specifically in technology.
Please note that this program will last until 1:40 p.m. It will not be possible to leave the hall earlier.
Decolonization is a term that refers not only to countries gaining independence from their colonizers, but also to a social movement that examines the ongoing impact of colonialism on our society. This includes looking at the historical role of universities and Western knowledge production in relation to colonialism. Consider, for example, how European expansion relied on modern technology - through more deadly weapons, faster ships, or the laying of telegraph and railroad lines.
If you are curious to learn and discuss what it means to decolonize knowledge and technology, what ethical questions this raises for technical universities, and how it is that technology has a colonizing effect in the first place, don’t miss this lecture. By taking us back to the past and drawing connections to the present, Max Arto de Ploeg will make you look at the politics of knowledge and technology in a new way.
Max Arto de Ploeg is an educator, organizer, and programmer. He works for the platform Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam and is project leader of the Week Against Racism. He founded the Decolonial School in Amsterdam (2016) and was involved in the establishment of the Diversity Committee at the University of Amsterdam after the Maagdenhuis occupation in 2015. He is also a co-founder of the Aralez Foundation, a grassroots network and organization for decolonization.
Ticket reservation recommended
To be assured of a seat, we recommend reserving a ticket (black "order" button). Please note that this program will last until 1:45 p.m. It will not be possible to leave the hall earlier.
SG & USE/ITEC registration
Please register for SG & USE/ITEC by scanning your student ID at the venue prior to the start of the program.
More information about SG & USE/ITEC can be found here.