
All inclusive

Ir. Frank van Dalen
Wednesday, February 13 2019, 12:40 PM - 1:20 PM
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

For many people, the struggles of homosexuals and transgenders are a non-issue. In this lecture, TU/e-alumnus, entrepreneur and LGBTI-activist Frank van Dalen will highlight the state of the LGBTI-movement worldwide. He explains how innovative technology can be friend and enemy for LGBTI-persons and discusses why companies struggle in creating an inclusive environment.

After the lecture, there will be the opportunity to discuss these issues and address questions to Frank van Dalen or members of Compass during a lunch meeting. More information below.

When it comes to the chances of individual success, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is of great importance. This applies not only to students within their educational organization and student environment, it also applies to employees, both on the work floor and in managerial positions within their organization and work environment. Unfortunately, homo- and transphobia is everywhere, both hidden and openly expressed . During the last intro-week, TU/e had its own pink thundercloud. Perhaps many people may consider it a non-issue but for those who have to deal with homo- or transphobia it is a painful fact. Especially with ongoing internationalization, creating an inclusive society is an issue that really matters today.

Ir. Frank van Dalen studied computer science at the TU/e. After his study he worked for some years at Procter and Gamble, later becoming an entrepreneur. In 2006 he sold his training company and is now chair of the political consultancy organization Politieke Academie and CEO of the IT-start-up E-canvasser. From 2005 till 2008 he was chair of the Dutch LGBTI-organization COC Netherlands. From 2006 till 2011 he was chair of Gaypride in Amsterdam. He is currently chair of the LGBTI-workgroup of the global federation of liberal political parties Liberal International and vice-president of the global federation of pride organizers InterPride.

Lunch meeting for questions and informal discussion

After the lecture, Frank van Dalen will spend another hour with members of Compass and others interested in talking more about the state of the global LGBTI-movement and about being out as an LGBTI-person while pursuing a (international) career. There is also the opportunity to personally ask Frank van Dalen or members of Compass questions. Feel free to ask your questions in Dutch if you prefer.

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