
The Sisters Brothers

Jacques Audiard
Monday, February 4 2019, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Tuesday, February 5 2019, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Wednesday, February 6 2019, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Price: € 3.50 incl. vat (Student) € 7.50 incl. vat (Others)
Reservations via Natlab: 040-2946848

Jacques Audiard, VS 2018
Language: English, Dutch subtitles

It’s 1851, Charlie and Eli Sisters are brothers and infamous assassins, boys brought up to be men in a savage world. The Sisters brothers find themselves on a journey through the Northwest and the mountains of Oregon, to a dangerous brothel in the small town of Mayfield and eventually to the gold rush land of California – an adventure to test the deadly family ties that bind them. Starring Joaquin Phoenix, John C. Reilly, and Jake Gyllenhaal.

‘Joaquin Phoenix’s best work in years’ – The Atlantic

'Audiard’s storytelling has an easy swing to it, his dialogue is garrulous and unsentimental, and the narrative is exotically offbeat.' **** The Guardian

Reservation: Natlab (040-2946848)
(When calling choose Plaza Futura at the selection menu)

Payment only by PIN (with Maestro, so not with Visa or Mastercard)

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