
Perfect Strangers / Perfetti Sconosciuti sold out

Monday, May 22 2017, 8:00 PM - 11:59 PM (sold out)
Tuesday, May 23 2017, 8:00 PM - 11:59 PM (sold out)
Wednesday, May 24 2017, 8:00 PM - 11:59 PM (sold out)
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos

Paolo Genovese, IT 2016
language: italian – subtitles: dutch


Do you dare to share your smartphone? A group of friends decides to do so and finds out they have more secrets than they expected.

Eva and Rocco, a married couple with a pubescent daughter, invite three befriended couples for a dinner at their home. Most have known each other since childhood, except for Carlotta, the second wife of Lele, who is fairly new to the group.

During starters, the conversation lands on a women who found out her husband was cheating on her when she read compromising messages on his smartphone. Eva cheerfully proposes that everyone put their phone on the table and share every incoming call and message of that night. As good friends, surely they have nothing to hide from each other?

Nobody dares to admit that they don’t find this such a great idea and reluctantly, everyone agrees. But what seems all fun and games at pasta, evolves into a painful event during the main course and tiramisu. It becomes clear how little they really know about each other, even their own partners.

With an Italian star cast and with more than 2,5 million visitors, this dramatic comedy was the Italian theatre hit of this year.


Students € 3,50 - Others € 7,50
Reservation: Natlab 040-2946848
(When calling choose Plaza Futura at the selection menu)

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