
Falcon Lake

Directed by Charlotte Le Bon
Monday, June 12 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Price: € 4.00 incl. vat (Student) € 8.00 incl. vat (Others)

Bastien, who is almost fourteen, is impressed by 16-year-old Chloé, who is unabashedly moody and prefers to avoid adult supervision. Despite their age difference, Chloé is charmed by Bastien and invites him to parties. She also likes to frighten him with stories about a child's spirit that still haunts the waters where they swim. Now in love with the worldly-wise Chloé, Bastien is ready to overcome his fears and win her heart. But an event at the end of the idyllic summer vacation causes a crucial turn in Bastien's life.

Genre: summer drama 
Language: French and English, subtitles: English

Falcon Lake is a tender and, at the same time, chilling story of first love. It shows a young person on the verge of change: someone who is about to have his first drink, first cigarette, and first kiss.  Bastien’s shyness gives the film a particular kind of tension, one that presents young adulthood as something both inherently threatening and exciting. 

This film is recommended by the Studium Generale Student Film Committee because: “First relationships are never without their turmoil, but they are always beautiful and unexpected. Falcon Lake feels like any childhood summer vacation, complete with annoying parents, cool older kids, swimming during a heat wave, and ghost stories around the campfire. Young love is shown in all its innocence. It is wholesome and happy, but the feeling of dread is not far behind. The constant tension grips you until the end, but as we all know, we would never want it to end.”

“Charlotte Le Bon debut Is A Bold, Haunting Coming-Of-Age Story.” The Playlist

“The agonies of adolescence are sensitively captured in Falcon Lake. A touching portrait of young love.” Screen Daily.

Ticket information
This film will be shown at Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos. Buying a ticket online in advance is mandatory if you want to attend this film. You can buy a ticket by clicking on the black “order” button on this page.
Please note: you can only buy a ticket online; tickets cannot be purchased  with cash or bank card at the ticket counter.
For more general information about tickets, refund policy etc., please click here.

Please be on time
The screening of the film starts at 19:30 sharp (no commercials) and the cinema hall opens at 19:10. We kindly ask you to be at the ticket counter at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the film. This is to ensure the film starts and ends on time. 

The Studium Generale film program is selected in collaboration with the student film committee and Natlab.

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