
Apocalypse now: final cut

Francis Ford Coppola
Wednesday, February 19 2020, 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos
Price: € 3.50 incl. vat (Student) € 7.50 incl. vat (Others)
Reservations via Natlab: 040-2946848

Apocalypse now 1979 is a surreal, hallucinatory, epic tragedy about the horror of the Vietnam War. Coppola’s masterpiece in its 40th year presents a new, never-before-seen restored version of the film.

With introduction.

War, Drama
Language: English, French and Vietnamese, English subtitles
Francis Ford Coppola, US 1979

Francis Ford Coppola’s epic on the insanity of the Viet­nam war, starring Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Robert Du­vall and Dennis Hopper in the lead roles, has sometimes been described as a war in itself. The production costs went through the roof and the atmosphere on the set was extremely tense.

Ticket reservation: call Natlab (040 2946848),
or buy your tickets at the cash register that opens one hour prior to the start of the movie.
Payment is only by PIN (with Maestro, so not with Visa or Mastercard).

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