
World Press Photo exhibition 2018

September 12 2018 till October 4 2018
Vertigo Floor 1, Exhibition Space
Mon- Fri : 9-18.00 hrs, Sat -Sun: 12.00 – 17.00 hrs
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Shocking, horrifying, beautiful, and breath-taking. The World Press Photo exhibition reaches 4 million people in a 100 cities and 45 countries globally and shows the most exceptional and intriguing press photos of the year. Visit the exhibition that confronts you, introduces you to stories you never heard before, and challenges you to keep looking.

See the winners of the world’s biggest international press photography contest. This year 4,548 photographers from 125 countries submitted 73,044 images. A total of 42 photographers from 22 countries were awarded in eight categories. In the exhibition the more than 160 winning images are shown. Most pictures don’t need an explanation, they are stories in themselves. The images are so poignant they make it impossible to ignore the events of the world news of the past year.

Do you want to learn more about the exhibition and the background of the images? Participate in one of the guided tours!

Wed 12 September            13.45-14.15 (eng)
Sun 16 September             11.00-11.30 (nl)
Thu 20 September             12.40-13.10 (nl)
                                        12.45-13.15 (eng)
Thu 27 September             12.40-13.10 (nl)
                                        12.45-13.15 (eng)
Tue 2 October                    12.40-13.10 (nl)
                                        12.45-13.15 (eng)
Fri 5 October                      00.00-00.30 (eng)


The exhibition and guided tours are free. Registration is only necessary for the guided tours, not for the exhibition. Please register here for a guided tour.

Participation in the guided tours is awarded with a USE point, autonomous visits to the exhibition are not.

On 12 September Yi Wen Hsia will give the opening lecture titled ‘Ways of Seeing’ In an ever more visual society, how can we understand the levels of meaning, the underlying story lines and the various agendas reflected in the news pictures of the day? Please find more information here. Afterwards, she will give the first guided tour.

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