
World Press Photo 10 sold out

Saturday, September 11 2010, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (sold out)
Sunday, October 3 2010, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (sold out)
Hal Hoofdgebouw TU/e en Hal Kennispoort (beide TU/e terrein)

Mon - Fri: 9.00-18.00 hrs;
Sat & Sun: 12.00-17.00 hrs

This year the international jury chose a color photo by the Italian photographer Pietro Masturzo as the World Press Photo of the year 2009 (link naar: www.worldpressphoto.nl).
It’s a subtle photo that’s intriguing because you don’t understand at first glance exactly what you’re looking at. The photo shows women in Tehran at night literally shouting out from balconies and rooftops their unhappiness with the conduct and result of the election.
Come and see the best press photos of the past year in ten categories, selected by an international jury.

On the occasion of the opening on Tuesday 14 September, photographer Roger Cremers will hold a lecture starting at 15.30 hours in the Kennispoort building (TU/e campus).

The World Press Photo exhibition is held in partnership with the Brabant Chamber of Commerce.
World Press Photo is supported by the National Postcode Lottery, and is sponsored worldwide by Canon and TNT.


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