
Alles van waarde is weerloos

Jolijn Bos, Jolanda Pulles, Janske Kaethoven en Esther Matthijsse
April 28 till May 14
Atlas Noord

In a world that often rewards toughness, four artists explore the power of vulnerability in the exhibition Alles van waarde is weerloos (All that is valuable is vulnerable). What does it mean to truly open up in times when distance and self-protection seem to be the norm? How can fragile moments make us stronger? Discover their compelling works and visit the exhibition for free at the Atlas Building from April 28 to May 14.

For this unique exhibition, Studium Generale invited four artists — Jolijn Bos, Jolanda Pulles, Janske Kaethoven, and Esther Matthijsse — to respond to the famous poem De zeer oude zingt (The very old sings) by Dutch poet Lucebert. Their works challenge us to pause and reflect on the strength that lies within vulnerability, showing us how resilience can emerge precisely from embracing it.

In our daily lives, we don’t give much thought to poetry—until life catches us off guard. A loss, a broken heart, or even moments of overwhelming joy. It’s in these moments that we search for words and images to help us make sense of what we are feeling.  In these moments, art is no longer a side note but rather a source of comfort, recognition, and connection.

The exhibition invites you to embrace each other’s imperfections and allow yourself to be moved and inspired.

About the artists
Jolijn Bos is a graphic designer driven by curiosity and intuition. In her work, she moves between graphic design and autonomous, three-dimensional experiments. Through research and experimentation, she explores the boundaries of her field, always searching for new ways to grow as a maker.

Janske Kaethoven is a versatile visual artist with a background in graphic design, AV design, photography, and animation. As a visual storyteller, she captures the poetry of everyday life. With a keen eye for the beauty in small things and the magic of nature, she creates touching images—ranging from photography and collages to assemblages and installations.

Esther Matthijsse is a graphic designer with a love for illustration. Alongside design work, she creates autonomous pieces in which she visualizes the stories and events that move her. She believes that the quality of our relationships defines the quality of our lives and seeks to combine her personal insights with the universal need for connection in her work.

Jolanda Pullesis a visual artist working with painting, three-dimensional forms, and language. She draws inspiration from found materials—waste, wood, and other objects that have lost their original function. In her work, she explores themes such as resilience and mental well-being.

Opening Hours
The exhibition is on display on the ground floor of the Atlas Building on the TU/e campus from April 28 to May 14, 2025.

Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 20:00
Weekend: Closed

Free Guided Tours
Looking for more depth? Join a free guided tour led by one of the artists. Click here for dates, more information, and to register.

Information for School Groups
School groups are very welcome to visit the exhibition. Please register your visit by sending an email to  studium.generale@tue.nl. Include the number of students, the preferred date, and time of your visit.

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