Excursion, Workshop

Electronic Music Studio sold out

Wednesday, November 20 2024, 2:30 PM - 4:45 PM (sold out)
Willem Twee Studios, Toonzaal ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Price: € 8.00 incl. vat (Student)

We can’t imagine the musical landscape without electronics. Today, you’ll get a chance to dive into the early days of electronic music at the renowned Willem Twee Studios in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

Along with the return of vinyl and cassette tapes, electronic equipment from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s is also making a comeback. More and more musicians are looking  for the original sound of the past. And at the Willem Twee Studios in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, that equipment can be found -- devices that people like Stockhausen and later Keith Emerson and Kraftwerk used to make  their music. 

The instruments you will find at the Willem Twee Studios are the same ones that were used when the first electronic sounds were being created. Working with this hardware will make you listen to and work with music in a different, unique way. Instead of working with a mouse and screen, you’ll work hands-on with real instruments. It is a highly intuitive way of working that produces surprising and challenging results, which makes working in these studios a personal adventure for everyone. During this afternoon, you will get an introduction to working with electronic instruments and their history. From the test and measurement equipment of the ‘50’s and ‘60’s where the first electronic music was made, to the various analog synthesizers of the late ‘60s to late ‘80’s. In addition to a demonstration, you will also be able to turn the knobs yourself during this introductory workshop.

Ticket reservation: TU/e students, PhD’s and EngD’s only
Only TU/e students, PhD’s and EngD’s can attend this excursion/workshop. Before you reserve a spot, please check out the rules for workshops.   You can order a student ticket using the black order button on this page. There are a limited number of tickets available, so be quick to purchase your ticket if you are sure you can make it.

SG & USE/ITEC registration 
Please register for SG & USE/ITEC by scanning your student ID at the venue prior to the start of the program.
More information about SG & USE/ITEC can be found here

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