Concert, Excursion

Matthäus Passion in Catharina Church sold out

Sunday, March 3 2024, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (sold out)
Catharina Church Eindhoven
Price: € 15.00 incl. vat (Student)

Train your glutes so you can take a seat on the firm wooden pews and let yourself be swept away by the breathtaking St. Matthew Passion: one of the greatest masterpieces in Western music. 

Johann Sebastian Bach composed the St. Matthew Passion in the 18th century. It describes the passion of Jesus Christ. It is a long music piece (2.5 hours), with many players, which takes us on an impressive and  emotional journey. 

St. Matthew Passion was, and still is, typically performed in churches shortly before Easter. The composition includes a choir, soloists representing different characters, and an orchestra. The work is known for its complexity, emotional depth, and reflection of the dramatic narrative of Christ's Passion.  It's not just about the music. It's about feeling the raw power of an iconic composition that has resonated through the centuries. Witnessing the St. Matthew Passion is an unforgettable experience.  So, Aria ready to experience something ancient? Then let us take you to church. 

Tickets: students, Phd’s, EngD’s only
Only students, PhD's and EngD's can order tickets at a reduced price (15 Euro per ticket) via this website by clicking on the black "order" button. Non-students can order tickets at the regular price through the Beleef Klassiek’ website. 

SG & USE/ITEC registration
Please register for SG & USE/ITEC by scanning your student ID at the venue prior to the start of the program.
More information about SG & USE/ITEC can be found here

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