Concert and lecture, Excursion

Climate Justice in Four Seasons sold out

Joyeeta Gupta and Lonneke van Straalen
Thursday, October 3 2024, 8:15 PM - 9:45 PM (sold out)
Kleine zaal, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven
Price: € 5.00 incl. vat (Student)

Poignant questions and brilliant violin music. What happens when an inspired climate scientist and a violinist tackle the challenges of climate change through a new "Four Seasons" by Vivaldi?

What do the passionate climate scientist Joyeeta Gupta and violinist Lonneke van Straalen have in common? They both look at things with a fresh perspective, shake things up significantly, and create new forms. 

Using Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons - stunning violin concertos, a hit for over 300 years - Gupta sketches the history of the relationship between humans and nature. But what would those four seasons sound like today? Lonneke van Straalen asked two young composers. They were inspired by Gupta’s philosophy. How do we avoid sinking into doom scenarios, but instead think in new possibilities and hope?

Originating from India, Joyeeta Gupta is a professor at the University of Amsterdam and at the IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education, and the winner of the prestigious Spinoza Prize (the 'Dutch Nobel'). Justice is her great motivator. After experiencing the Union Carbide gas tragedy in Bhopal, India as a young woman and witnessing the impact of large multinationals on developing countries, she dedicated herself to environmental and development issues.

Violinist Lonneke van Straalen has stormed through the porcelain shop of classical music with her ensemble Pynarello. Now, with her TheDutchBrewhouse, she forms unexpected liaisons with artists, scientists, and musicians. 

These two sharp contrarians – or unconventional thinkers – focus tonight on the challenges of climate change. 

Ticket reservation: TU/e students, PhD’s and EngD’s only
Only TU/e students, PhD’s and EngD’s can purchase a discounted ticket through this website. A limited number of discounted tickets are available. Tickets are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged. More general information about tickets, refund policy, etc. can be found here.

Bring your E-ticket and student card to the Muziekgebouw, both will be checked at the entrance.

Others can purchase their ticket at the regular price on the Muziekgebouw’s website.

SG & USE/ITEC registration 
Please register for SG & USE/ITEC by scanning your student ID at the venue prior to the start of the program.

More information about SG & USE/ITEC can be found here

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