Privacy statement Studium Generale TU/e

How does Studium Generale TU/e handle your personal data? 

1. Introduction

In this privacy statement we provide you with information regarding the collection of your personal data by Studium Generale TU/e in the context of activities and events organized by Studium Generale TU/e (registration, attendance and evaluation).

We have tried to provide you with all the information in a clear and readable way. If you have any questions about our use of your personal data after reading this privacy statement, it is possible to contact us using the contact details at the bottom of the privacy statement.  

This privacy statement is effective as of September 13, 2022. The last changes to this privacy statement were made on October 20, 2022.  

2. Who is responsible for your personal data?

Studium Generale TU/e is the data controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") for the processing operations addressed in this privacy statement. This means that Studium Generale TU/e is responsible for the careful and proper processing of your personal data. 

3. Which personal data do we process?

If you apply or register for an activity/event organized by Studium Generale TU/e, attend a Studium Generale activity/event, or you sign up for our newsletter, we process personal data about you. This includes the following personal data:  

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phase of study and faculty/department (only applicable to students)
  • Payment details (only applicable for paid events) 
  • Event or activity for which you registered/subscribed

4. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

Studium Generale TU/e processes your personal data for the following purposes:  

  1. Signing up and registering for a Studium Generale event;
  2. Attendance registration;
  3. Evaluating events you have participated in;
  4. Sending evaluations, questionnaires, newsletters (if you have signed up for the newsletter) and  maintaining communications regarding Studium Generale events;
  5. Processing payments.

5. What is the basis fort he processing of your personal data?

In order to process your personal data, the processing must be based on one of the legal bases in the GDPR. In the case of Studium Generale TU/e, as far as the purposes mentioned above are concerned, this is on the basis of consent, on the basis of an agreement, or on the basis of legitimate interest.  

6. Who has access to my personal data?    

6.1 Access to your personal data within Studium Generale TU/e

Only employees involved in the organization of Studium Generale TU/e and payments of Studium Generale events have access to your personal data, but only to the extent necessary to fulfill their respective tasks. Furthermore, certain data about you may be shared with relevant departments, for example your attendance for study-related purposes, but only if this data is necessary to fulfill their tasks. Therefore, only the data necessary to perform their tasks will be provided.

6.2 Access to your personal data by third parties

The following third parties have access to, or obtain your personal data, but only where relevant for the services they provide to Studium Generale TU/e:

  • Buckaroo for processing online payments;
  • Cre8ionlab for website management;
  • Your Next Concepts (Academy Attendance) for attendance registration of USE.

Buckaroo, Cre8ionlab and Your Next Concepts are processors for Studium Generale TU/e. We have contractual agreements with these parties in which the protection of your data is guaranteed as stated in the GDPR.

We do not share the data we process with other third parties, except when required by law.

7. How long will your personal data be kept?

We keep your personal data in accordance with the GDPR. Data will not be kept longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data was collected and will be deleted when you withdraw your consent (where consent applies), and there is no other basis for lawfully processing your data. In practice, this means that your data will not be kept longer than 12 months or will be anonymized after 12 months. The only exception regards the information that is needed to send you our newsletter (i.e. name and e-mail address): this data is stored until you unsubscribe from our newsletter.

8. Will my personal data be processed outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)?

Studium Generale TU/e does not process any of your data outside the EEA. If we engage processors, we require them to store personal data on servers in the EEA. Insofar as this is not possible, we take the necessary measures to provide an appropriate level of protection for the protection of your personal data.

9. How is your personal data secured and protected?   

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction of the data, accidental damage, loss, alteration and unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other forms of unlawful processing (including, but not limited to, non-essential collection of data) or further processing. These appropriate technical and organizational measures include the establishment of strict authorizations so that only those persons who need your personal data for the performance of their duties and in line with purposes as described under point 4. In addition, we ensure that data is stored in a secure environment, security measures are in place to access this data, and this data is not stored longer than necessary.

10. How can you exercise your privacy rights?

You have the right to access an overview of the personal data that is processed of you by us and, under certain conditions, rectification and/or deletion of your personal data. In addition, in certain cases you also have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data, the right to object to processing and the right to data portability.  

To invoke your right to access, rectification, deletion, restriction, objection or data portability, please contact TU/e’s privacy team using the contact details at the bottom of this privacy notice. Please note that the privacy team may request additional information to verify your identity when invoking these rights.  

If you have consented to the processing of your personal data for a particular purpose, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Please note that withdrawing your consent is not retroactive. You can contact us about this at studium.generale@tue.nl.

11. Who to contact regarding privacy questions?

If you have any questions about how Studium Generale TU/e processes your personal data, please contact TU/e’s privacy team at privacy@tue.nl.  

If you believe that your personal data are being processed in violation of the GDPR, for example if you believe that your personal data is not processed with care,  or because your request for rectification has not been answered in a timely manner, you can submit a complaint to the Data Protection Officer (hereinafter referred to as DPO) via dataprotectionofficer@tue.nl. The DPO is the link between Studium Generale TU/e, and the Dutch Data Protection Authority (i.e. the “AP”). The DPO acts independently and can consult on your complaint or seek advice from the AP.  

If you disagree with the DPO's handling of your complaint, you can lodge a complaint directly with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP). The AP handles the complaint or request and makes a decision on it.  



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