
Photo Impression | Mensen Zeggen Dingen

(This program was in Dutch.)

Things are insignificant if no words are given to them. So 'Mensen Zeggen Dingen' brings words; the artists express things, make them discussable, place exclamation points or question marks by them, and determine the order.

Hendrik de Pecker, Nicole Kaandorp, Mahat Arab, Ivan Words, Maxine Palit de Jong, and Tijdelijke Toon had their pens and tongues sharpened and brought an evening full of poetry, poetry slam, prose, freestyle, and music.

Some responses from the audience evaluation:
"I had never really encountered spoken word before, and I thought it was really cool."

"Spoken word always teaches me new things. They who listen learn!"

"I only knew spoken word from TV and had never really experienced it. I found it beautiful to see how personal and poetic the pieces from the artists were."

Photos taken by Maud Staassen. View all photos HIER.

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